
GLUTAX LAB, a complex of vitamins of group B and C, necessary for a healthy human body every day. As well, all vitamins help each other work.

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In fact, GLUTAX LAB, a complex of vitamins of group B and C, necessary for a healthy human body every day. As well, all vitamins help each other work, filling gaps in the body health, renewing, and maintaining immunity. In addition to the good effect of vitamins on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system. Also, metabolism, because of the restoration of the body, the condition of the skin, the health of hair and nails improves.

Benefits of this product are:

  1. As well,  Light Brown skin tone: 1 –3 months
  2. In addition, Medium-dark brown skin tone: 3 –6 months
  3. And even Darker skin tones: > 6 months

So, how to use GLUTAX LAB?

  •  set = 6 ampoules
  • 1 set every 2 weeks IV injection

Warnings Of Usage:

  • In fact, allergy to any kind vitamins.
  • In addition, pregnant women and breast-feeding.
  • Also, women with menstrual periods.
  • And even patients with cardiovascular problems.