
Dermalax PLUS



Dermalax PLUS , is useful to restore volume, remodeling facial contours, correcting pronounced deep wrinkles and wrinkles. Moreover, it is a monophasic hyaluronic acid gel. They include 0.3% lidocaine.

Dermalax PLUS

In fact, Dermalax PLUS , is useful to restore volume, remodeling facial contours, correcting pronounced deep wrinkles and wrinkles. Moreover, it is a monophasic hyaluronic acid gel. They include 0.3% lidocaine.

Benefits of this product are:

  1. As well, Monophasic structure. The basis of the composition is hyaluronic acid molecules of the same size, allowing you to create a stable and uniform gel density. As a result, it minimizes the risk of inflammation, in contrast to the use of dermal fillers, which are famous by heterogeneous viscosity.
  2. In addition, powerful moisturizing effect. The filler not only fills the tissues, but also nourishes them with moisture. As a result, in addition to smoothing wrinkles and improving the relief, the process of cellular self-rejuvenation, it activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The most pronounced effect is obvious in elderly patients.
  3. And finally, comfort. The filler contains lidocaine. This ensures that the injection is painless. Cosmetologists note the ease of use of the formulations, the quicker and more pronounced manifestation of the effect in comparison with others.

So, how to use Dermalax Implant Plus?

As well, t is useful to correct Fine wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, crow’s feet, mouth folds, periorbital folds.

Moreover, its expiration dates from 6 to 8 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the client’s body and his lifestyle, the expiration date changes.

However, ingredients of this product are:

  • HA –  24mg/mL: Also, Hyaluronic Acid promotes skin hydration – moisturizes your skin and makes it radiant. In addition, it has anti-wrinkle properties – due to its capacity to retain large amounts of water.
  • Lidocaine 0.3%

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Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg